play vs computer play vs friend instructions
easy mode medium mode hard mode
  • Pieces may only move one diagonal space forward (towards their opponents pieces) in the beginning of the game.
  • To capture an opposing piece,"jump" over it by clicking the vacant square over the opposing piece. When there is a chance for capture, the piece MUST be captured. Captures are mandatory
  • A piece may jump forward over an opponent's pieces in multiple parts of the board to capture them.
  • Keep in mind, the space on the other side of your opponent’s piece must be empty for you to capture it.
  • If your piece reaches the last row on your opponent's side, you may re-take one of your captured pieces and "crown"the piece that made it to the Kings Row. Thereby making it a "King Piece."
  • King pieces may still only move one space at a time during a non-capturing move. However, when capturing an opponent's piece(s) it may move diagonally forward or backwards.
  • There is no limit to how many king pieces a player may have.
  • The game is won when all of opponent’s pieces are captured or there are no possible moves for the opponent’s pieces
's Turn

Wins !!