Pieces may only move one diagonal space forward (towards their opponents pieces) in the beginning of the
To capture an opposing piece,"jump" over it by clicking the vacant square over the opposing piece. When
there is a chance for capture, the piece MUST be captured. Captures are mandatory
A piece may jump forward over an opponent's pieces in multiple parts of the board to capture them.
Keep in mind, the space on the other side of your opponent’s piece must be empty for you to capture it.
If your piece reaches the last row on your opponent's side, you may re-take one of your captured pieces
and "crown"the piece that made it to the Kings Row. Thereby making it a "King Piece."
King pieces may still only move one space at a time during a non-capturing move. However, when capturing
an opponent's piece(s) it may move diagonally forward or backwards.
There is no limit to how many king pieces a player may have.
The game is won when all of opponent’s pieces are captured or there are no possible moves for the
opponent’s pieces